Our Vision








Our Identity

We are an Alternative Provision Academy, underpinned by our core values, Relationships, Engagement & Opportunity. We strive for excellence in all areas, have high aspirations for all our students and provide them with opportunities to achieve and succeed at all levels, altering the perception of PRUs and Support Centre’s.

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is a precision tool, providing a targeted response to students’ needs. We understand the individual and provide a platform that allows students to reengage with school and society. We give them the tools to make positive life choices, supporting the positive re integration to mainstream, further education, training or employment.


We have a strong safeguarding culture based on trust, confidence and respect, ensuring our safeguarding practice is highly effective. Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do and we are committed to promoting the welfare of children and young people. We have created a safe, caring and engaging environment to protect the physical, emotional, social and mental welfare of all. Our students are taught how to keep themselves safe, to develop positive and healthy relationships, can recognise situations where they might be at risk and know how to seek help and support. Our students feel safe and are protected from harm and abuse in all its forms


Through self-reflection and conflict resolution students understand the impact of and take responsibility for their own behaviour. We have consistently high expectations of our students, underpinned by a positive, rewards based, behaviour management system that is consistently and effectively implemented to engage and motivate students to achieve.

Our Community

Our school community are proud to be part of the EVA family. We care about our school and each other, have a clear understanding of our purpose, using consistent and shared language that accurately represents the ethos and values of the school. Our stakeholders feel valued and involved, and are given opportunities to actively engage in school life, encouraging shared responsibility, working together  to develop learning opportunities, broaden our horizons and aspire to be more.

Our Trust

As part of the Esteem Multi-Academy Trust we embrace the trusts values and the concept that we are ‘Stronger Together’. We are actively involved and engaged in trust-wide initiatives, providing valuable support to aid the development of other schools and actively engage in support provided for our own improvement. Our internal AP offer provides vocational qualifications that are accessed by students across the trust, offering meaningful qualifications today that make tomorrow better.

Our Reputation

EVA is recognised as and used appropriately as a positive intervention to support the reduction of permanent exclusions and the reintegration of students back into mainstream settings. We are the ‘School of Choice’ for our mainstream partners, opening the gateway to future success.

‘A Culture of Success’